Saturday, March 9, 2024

Does Hoboken Public School District Limit Comments on "X" (formally Twitter) ?

Recently, a post on Twitter ("X") came to my attention. First, the Hoboken School District posted a few pictures of a class trip to Boston to visit colleges. But, it was pointed out that the Hoboken School District limits comments of their Twitter account. I was not aware of this. 

Here is the comment: Do they let children in with 8% math proficiency? Notice how the Public School district in #Hoboken does not allow public comments. Their public relations firm wants to control the narrative, instead of telling residents the truth.

Here are the latest test scores, 8% of students are proficient in Mathematics, over half of the school is reading below grade level, and 1% of students are proficient in Science. These are NJDOE assessments that are aligned with the curriculum. Is this proper preparation for college? Is this a proper education in general? Decide for yourself: 

Limited Comments Allowed?