Tuesday, November 10, 2020

New Synthetic Surface Installed at Elysian Park in Hoboken

Elysian Park, Hoboken NJ (Nov 2020)
Photo: Friends of Elysian Park
Brand new to Elysian Park in Hoboken - a synthetic turf playground safety surface, to improve the quality of life for the town's children. The surface plus a new drainage system at the park are the latest upgrades made to a number of Hoboken's public spaces. Special thanks to the Friends of Elysian Park for their never ending and often unappreciated efforts! 

Elysian Park is a small park in Hoboken, New Jersey that is the last remnant of the Elysian Fields. Bounded on the west by Hudson Street, and the north and east by Sinatra Drive, Elysian Park has two play areas, a basketball court, a sprinkler, a dog run and rest rooms. The northern end of prestigious Castle Point Terrace ends at the park. Part of the 1954 film On The Waterfront was filmed there.