Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Pre-Pandemic Rankings: Hoboken Public Schools Continue to Fail Any Objective Criteria for Quality Education

 The following are the ratings conducted by the Great School Project and displayed on the Zillow web site. A quick look at the ratings shows that when the traditional Hoboken Public Schools are objectively ranked for quality they fail miserably. 

No traditional Hoboken Public School scored higher than a 3 out of 10 on the GreatSchools scale. At close to $30,000 per student one must ask where is the money going? Where is the leadership? Interestingly, the three newest public schools in Hoboken-- all free, all public, all charter-- are the three highest ranked schools in Hoboken and do so by accepting students as part of a lottery and do so at about half the cost

Hoboken Spending- From NJ.COM August 2019 
This is one reason why everyone in the district is a cheerleader -- as long as awards are given out at every Board meeting and every Board member talks about "only good things" - the true fault lines in the district are never discussed, remediated, or addressed. Such is the Hoboken Public School system...and the legacy of the "reformers" who are "proud of the progress."

Given the traditional Hoboken Public School's failure to deliver a quality education to students during pre-pandemic circumstances, one can only imagine how the district is doing at delivering effective and meaningful distance educational learning during the challenging time of the COVID-19 pandemic.