Saturday, January 15, 2011

An Interactive Simulation for Constructivist Learning- Gaming, Technology and Evolution

Recently, two colleagues and myself submitted a small grant to BEACON: A National Science Foundation Center for the Study of Evolution in Action based on some work we have been working on for the past few years. The work combines some interesting and innovative uses of computer technology and gaming with some research on the understanding of the concept of evolution. Included below is a draft of the proposal along with some other relevant information.

Included is a brief description of BEACON as well as a draft of the grant/research application:

BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action

Erik D. Goodman from Michigan State University in partnership with colleagues at the University of Texas-Austin, University of Washington, North Carolina A&T State University, and the University of Idaho will establish a center that will promote the transfer of discoveries from biology into computer science and engineering design, and use novel computational methods to address complex biological questions that are difficult or impossible to study using natural organisms. BEACON will bring together scientists who, through research in their own disciplines, hold the interlocking keys to solving complex and fundamental problems in domains as diverse as cyber-security, epidemiology, and environmental sustainability. BEACON education and human resource development plans include K-12 programs, novel curricula development, undergraduate and graduate training, a mentoring program for faculty and post-docs, and outreach programs to educate the general public.

Picture: Hoboken Public Library

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