A New Year always brings with it a reflection of the past, and what better way to do so then by looking at some of the data behind this blog. In no particular order, during 2010, this blog was
- visited 37,572 times
- by 17,693 unique visitors
- who viewed 54,523 pages.
- a typical visitor spent 2 minutes and 35 seconds and read 1.57 pages
- A typical visitor came from (in order): New York, New Jersey, Texas, Florida, and California
- The site was visited by people from all 50 states
- Visitors from 127 countries came to this blog, with the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and India, being at the top of the list.
- The most frequent sources of traffic were from Google and Facebook.
- The most frequently search query used to reach this blog was either Hoboken Curriculum or Petrosino.
- During 2010, I posted 169 entries. My hope for 2011 is to remain consistent and to post more entries related to local (Hoboken, NYC, Austin) and national educational issues as well as more emphasis on my own in-progress research.
- Most popular entires were: Six Essential Components of Reading; Tools of the Mind in NYNJ Area; Phonics vs While Language; QSAC Scores; Administrative Costs; Understanding By Design Workshop; Superintendent Search; and School Uniforms
- This blog is and will remain commercial free, non-profit and does not accept ads
1 comment:
Thanks for your blog. I am one of those visitors from NJ and have learned lots from you. Thanks again and a Happy, Healthy, New Year!
Maria Pellum
Plainfield, NJ
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