The following self reported and verified activities were conducted by the Hoboken Curriculum Committee on August 6, 2009. -Dr. Petrosino
Science: Finished the 6-7-8 grade district assessments with the fabulous help of Mr. Cassesa, and we went ahead and had them scanned into the L drive @ the bussiness office w/ Maggie so science is officially now complete and all hard copies are in the binders.
Art: From July 20th - July 23rd worked on changing all MYP Units into New UbD formate for Grades 6-10th- Now done.
On July 28th-30 had to go back and type in L Drive the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade PYP ( 17 Units), with Big Ideas that were finished in June but never put into computer. Now done.
The District Wide Assessments for grades 1-8th was finished on Tues. Aug 4th. Including: Artists Visual Recognition; TESTS- for Journal/ Developmental Workbooks; Formal Performances; Display/Exhibitions of final projects; Oral Presentations and Writing Assignments for each grade 1-8 ( Placed in back of white folder) Now done. As for the 11th & 12th gr Art curriculum. I have gone over this with you. There is no 11th or 12th grade art other then IB, which has it's own set of rules/guides for Curriculum. The High School would use Grade 9 cur. as ART I and Grade 10 cur. for ART II. The only other Art class that was offered as of our meeting last Feb. was Photography, which is an elective. Right now K- 10th grades are finished Mapping, PYP, MYP, Big Ideas and New UbD -MYP . The only thing that may still need to be done was some quick editing on grades 7-10 that Lynn Fusco had volunteered to do.
World Languages: The world language group is happy to report that all of the assessments were written and typed for grades 1 to 12. All the Big Ideas (UBD Planners) were revised for grades K to 12. The PYP planners were revised and we made sure that everything was coherent and in the right folder. The MYP planners were revised for grades 6 to 12 as well. We completed one district wide assessment for grades 1 to 5 and two dishtrict wide assessments for grades 6 to 12. We created two binders for all the documents and they were placed in the library room at Brandt. Also, we placed everything in the L drive. In other words, the World Language Curriculum is completed!!! Tania Trinidad-Payanps would like to help lead the discussion for the World Language group on August 31, 2009. If you need our help with anything, please let us know
Implementation: Organized and transferred all of the work to date under the L drive; Created the CURRICULUM BY DISCIPLINE folder and rearranged all curriculum as per our conversation; there are no specific folders for grades 1-4 and 9-12 in technology. the documentation that it is intergrated is present however.
Disclaimer: The 2009 Summer Curriculum Committee is roughly 50% the size of the 2008 Summer Curriculum Committee (29 teachers vs 60 teachers) and the budget allocated is approximately 2/3 less than the allocation for Summer 2008. Dr. Petrosino has explained numerous times that this represents a significant reduction in both expenditures and faculty involved with the curriculum project.
Picture: Men at work...painting the facade of a building in Hoboken
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