Thursday, April 9, 2009

Education Competencies- Guidelines for Success

Recently, I have been reflecting on leadership and what makes for effective leadership in general and in education specifically. I recalled a conference presentation where members of Microsoft worked with consultants to work on some of these very issues as part of the company's educational outreach efforts as well as an examination of Microsoft's own leadership models. Originally known as the Microsoft competencies--- this work has evolved into the education field. Additionally, the Education Competencies have provided a guide for my own leadership style. While often not reaching the mark, I have found it a very useful tool for reflecting on one's administrative practice. -Dr. Petrosino

With each new student, new partner, new parent, new hire, you have an opportunity to help your school district achieve greater success. That responsibility can be overwhelming if you approach it haphazardly. With preparation and planning, you can focus your efforts and make decisions that add to the long-term health and success of your school district. If you are an administrator, teacher, student, or parent, you can use the Education Competencies to define a job profile, assess candidate competence, and plan for personal and professional growth.

Success in Education
Like the Microsoft competencies, the Education Competencies describe the full range of characteristics needed to help a school district achieve its organizational goals and vision. They were developed in partnership between Microsoft, Lominger, and school leaders from around the world.
At the core of the Education Competencies are six qualities that individuals need in order to help school districts succeed in the 21st century. These qualities, or success factors, are:
1. Individual Excellence: Ability to achieve results by working effectively with others in various circumstances.
2. Organizational Skills: Ability to communicate by various means within different organizational settings.
3. Courage: Ability to speak directly, honestly, and with respect in difficult situations.
4. Results: An emphasis on goal-oriented action.
5. Strategic Skills: An array of skills used to accomplish focused, longer-term goals.
6. Operating Skills: An array of skills used for daily management of tasks and relationships.

These six success factors form the organizing principle for the Education Competency Wheel, a visual depiction of the 37 Education Competencies. The success factors make up the inner wheel and are defined by associated competencies.
For example, the success factor Courage is defined by the competencies: Managerial Courage, Assessing Talent, and Conflict Resolution. Those three competencies describe the attributes, skills, behaviors, and knowledge individuals need to develop and exhibit Courage, a vital factor for individual and organizational success.

You can view the entire Microsoft website by clicking HERE.

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