Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Curriculum Summary- July 22

The following is an update of the Hoboken Curriculum Committee for July 22, 2008:

World Language- 1) We revised and corrected Unit # 1-Theme: The family for the 7th grade Curriculum. 2) We were able to type the unit in each of the templates and it is now ready to be submitted. Also, we completed unit # 2-Theme: Clothing. Again, this unit was developed using the template system that is in place (MYP and UBD). Both units contain the rubrics as required by the IBO organization and the interdisciplinary NJCCCS. Furthermore, we started to work on unit 3 for the 7th grade curriculum. Today, as always we used the time wisely and in a very productive manner.

PE/Health- Today, our group finished 5th & 6th grade PE & Health unit planners by updating the CCCS along with some minor finishing touches. We are more than half way complete with 7th & 8th grade PE & Health unit planners. 7th & 8th grades will most likely be finished tomorrow.

Mathematics- We have completed MYP Unit Plans for grade 6 and have begun the Unit Plans for the 7th Grade. Also, we have complete the Drafting by Design from the Big Idea for grades 6-11. Tomorrow: The plan for tomorrow is to complete the MYP Unit Plans for the 7th grade and begin the Unit Plans for the 8th Grade.

Science- Completed general rubrics for eighth grade; unit plans and assessments with specific rubrics for sixth grade.; majority of unit projects for seventh grade; units one, two, and three for seventh grade science to correlate with NJCCCS; units one, two, and three for ninth grade to correlate with NJCCCS; Revised K-5 unit maps; Completed specific assessment rubrics for units one, two, three, and four for eighth grade.
Our Plan and Goals:Create specific assessment rubrics for seventh grade.; Complete specific assessment rubrics for eighth grade; Complete unit projects for seventh grade; Continue working on units for seventh grade; Complete ninth grade units; Initiate K-5 units.

Language Arts- Accomplishments:
* Revised the 1st grade Curriculumn Mapping Sheet
* Translated our unit into PYP format
* created a detailed curriculum map with all of the Reading/Language Arts components for 1st grade
* Began to create the rubric for Unit 2

Goals for Tomorrow:
* Complete the rubric for Unit 2
* Review 1st grade curriculum mapping sheet
* Transfer written Unit 2 onto L drive (if template is completed)
* Begin to work on unit 1

Social Studies- After our meeting this afternoon we have made some changes to the plan for the social studies curriculum. We have decided that we are going to align the curriculum with the National Council for History Education, put together by a very well respected group of authors, educators and historians. This will work as a framework for the curriculum and after much discussion we all feel that thsi is the direction to go in. As a result, we will need to revamp the mapping and we hope to have that done by midday tomorrow. Additionally, some members of the group met with the 9th grade Language Arts team, and a meeting is set with Jared Ramos for next week to discuss performing arts.

Technology- The group continues to work on unit plans for the 6th grade curriculum. Susan plans on starting 7th Grade tomorrow as Michele and I finish up 6th grade. Once the 6th grade is complete we would like you to review our plans in order to ensure we are moving along on the right track. We mapped out the 7th grade so we have a smooth transition from one year to the next. We are reviewing the curriculum map as me move along and adjusting as we see necessary. We will let Denise know of any changes so she can adjust the master map.