Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The Advanced Placement Program and Educational Inequality

Richard Tremitiedi (1938-2023) 

Often in under performing high schools like Hoboken High School in Hoboken, New Jersey, school boards and superintendents tout "advancement placement" (AP) courses as some type of indication that the school/district is providing a rigorous curriculum and associated course work. However, research shows that expanding access to AP courses without addition incentives or support for disadvantaged students to succeed is unlikely to address educational inequality.
70% of Hoboken High School students qualify for free or reduced lunch. 

The Advanced Placement Program and Educational Inequality 

ABSTRACT: The Advanced Placement (AP) program is nearly ubiquitous in American high schools and is often touted as a way to close racial and socioeconomic gaps in educational outcomes. Using administrative data from Michigan, I exploit variation within high schools across time in AP course offerings to identify the causal effect of AP course availability on college choice and degree attainment. I find that higher income students, White and Asian students, and higher-achieving students are more likely to take advantage of additional AP courses when they are offered, thus widening existing gaps in course-taking. I find little evidence that additional AP availability improves college outcomes for any students. Expanding access to AP courses without additional incentives or support for disadvantaged students to succeed is unlikely to address educational inequality. -Stephanie Owen- Colby College