Saturday, November 5, 2022

Last Pre-Pandemic Disaggregated Algebra I NJSLA Test Scores: Hoboken School District

"It is the duty of every man, as far as his ability extends, to detect and expose delusion and error." ~ Thomas Paine

The chart below is taken from New Jersey Department of Education data on the Algebra I assessment given for the last pre-pandemic school year of 2018-2019. Most important is that this data is disaggregated across a number of state mandated subgroups. One can easily match up the subgroup in Chart 1 with the Level of Performance in Chart 2 to access how that particular subgroup did in Algebra I for the last full school year before the pandemic. 

When data is not presented in such a disaggregated manner, it is easy for the performance of under-represented subgroups to be inadvertently or intentionally hidden from view of the community. This is why the NJDOE reports the data in such a manner. 

The data is clear, Chart 1 indicates that not a single subgroup research NJDOE Level 3 (Met Expectations) for Algebra I during the last full academic year before the pandemic in the Hoboken Public School District. 

650-699: Level 1 Did Not Yet Meet Expectations 

700-724: Level 2 Partially Met Expectations 

725-749: Level 3Approached Expectations 

750-785: Level 4 Met Expectations 

786-850: Level 5 Exceeded Expectations 

Robert "Bob" Moses, the late civil rights leader from the 1960's and later a 1982 MacArthur Award winner, explained in detail that Algebra obtainment was a civil rights issue as much as anything he fought for in the 1960's. 

Chart 1: NJSLA Algebra Scores 2018-19 
Hoboken School District 
Click to Enlarge

Official Publication of the NJDOE
Click to Enlarge