Friday, January 21, 2022

Is Enrollment at Hoboken High School Declining, Steady, or Increasing?

Some questions are fairly easy to address. I was asked this question recently-- the Board is saying that "Enrollment at Hoboken High School IS NOT declining" -- Is that true? 

First, let's look at the official enrollment data not current "claims" of enrollment. The source of data is the last 11 years of ASSA Reports. This is data all schools districts (including Hoboken) must report to the New Jersey Department of Education for allocation of state aid.

Data includes Choice Students 

NINE = 9th grade enrollment; TEN = 10th grade enrollment; ELEVEN = 11th grade enrollment; TWELVE = 12th grade enrollment; SPED = special education students enrolled in Hoboken High School; TOTAL = total students in 9, 10, 11, 12, and SPED  

Click to Enlarge 

Sometimes it is difficult to see a trend with just raw data. Although here, we color coded each cohort so you can see enrollment for an individual cohort over the 4 years of high school. For instance, according to the 2011-12 ASSA Report, the 9th grade in 2011-12 had 114 students. They picked up 2 students during their sophomore year to get to 116. By their junior year of 2013-14, the cohort was down to 96 students and by senior year there were 91 students. Note: we do not know what specific grades the SPED students were in so we simply assume they were equally distributed. 

Next, we placed the above data in a chart in order to view the data more easily. 

Click to Enlarge 

Enrollment at Hoboken High School over the past decade has been decreasing.