Thursday, March 12, 2020

Hoboken Declares State Of Emergency- CDC Coronavirus Info

City Hall- Hoboken, NJ 
Hoboken officials announced Thursday afternoon that the city had declared a State of Emergency to continue preparations for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and will announce recommendations for the schools from the city's Health Department soon. The announcement also said the city will construct a medical tent outside of Hoboken University Medical Center to help manage the anticipated surge of patients given COVID-19.

The tent will likely be used for TESTING of the COVID-19 virus. This is done to minimize the likelihood that an infected individual will enter the hospital for a non-essential procedure (testing). 

Interactive and current map of where cases have been reported nationally 

To date, there are no confirmed cases so far in Hoboken — a mile-square city of 53,000 people, many of whom work across the river in Manhattan — but it is expected that this announcement will allow city services to take proactive action in the days and weeks ahead to protect the health and safety of the town. 

All non-essential city-run events and meetings have been canceled until further notice. This includes:

  1. All city-run recreation activities and sports for children and adults, and closure of all city recreation fields and facilities
  2. The Planning Board, Zoning Board, and all municipal volunteer board meetings
  3. Public meetings including the Neumann Leathers and NJ Transit Records Buildings meetings scheduled for next week.

Perhaps the best and most reliable source for information about the coronavirus is the Center for Disease Control. Please click here for valuable information: 

For your home:

For Pre-school and K-12 Children:

About the virus: