Hoboken High School- Hoboken, NJ |
High schools are places that help to get people ready to function in the adult world. It not only gives you the lessons in the form of your classes, but it helps you to get the experience you need in learning everyday skills too. Skills like how to listen, how to interact with other people, how to balance your checkbook or bank accounts, and how to process and use the information you get on a daily basis for far more than just an English or History lesson from a book. High schools are also places where children grow into young adults and learn how to grow up both mentally and emotionally in a sheltered environment. Without this form of schooling, many young adults would just be thrown into the business or work world and not have any sort of coping skills. That being said, recent independent, third party evaluations of Hoboken High School show there is cause for concern for the educational future of the students attending this school.
Hoboken High School in Hoboken, NJ scores are once again lower than most high school scores in the State of New Jersey. This year the NJDOE ranked the school below the 32nd percentile. 68% of New Jersey Public Schools do better than Hoboken High School on the NJDOE 0-100 scale score.
The New Jersey Department of Education scores are graded on a scale of 0-100 and consider standardized test results, graduation rates and other factors.
Schools were scored on a several factors, including many required by the federal government. Here’s what counted:
How High School Scores Were Determined: Four-year graduation rate (20 percent), five-year graduation rate (20 percent), progress toward English language proficiency (20 percent) English proficiency (15 percent), math proficiency (15 percent), chronic absenteeism (10 percent)
The NJDOE has ranked Hoboken High School in the 32nd percentile. This with an 8:1 teacher ratio, an average of 11.2 years of experience for a teacher, and around $30,000 per pupil spending.
The NJDOE reports that there are approximately 401 students in Hoboken High School in a building with an original student capacity of 1501 students. The NJDOE also reports that 68% of students are economically disadvantaged.
Hoboken High School has a student to teacher ratio is 9:1 according to the NJDOE - while the average class size for a New Jersey high school is around 19 to 1 according to the US Department of Education.
Moreover, according to the NJDOE the average Hoboken High School teacher has 11.2 years of experience and the district's per pupil spending is around $30,000 per pupil. To be clear, these are not novice instructors teaching economically disadvantaged students in an underfunded school. Rather, these are experienced, well paid tenured teachers teaching in high resourced classrooms with low student-teacher ratios.
Unfortunately, the Hoboken results as well as similar results from the Hoboken Middle School should come as no surprise. It was about 1 year ago when I posted that an analysis by researchers at Stanford University showed Hoboken has the lowest growth rate in Hudson County and among the lowest growth rates in NJ and the entire nation (see Figure 1).
Find out more about Hoboken High School by clicking HERE.