Friday, March 27, 2015

Longitudinal Data on Low Income Students in the Hoboken Public Schools (1997-present)

Despite claims of charter schools causing "segregation" in the Hoboken School District, longitudinal data tells a different story. In fact, the percentage of low income students in the school district has been on a downward decline since 1997. There are many factors for this decline in the percentage of low income students in the district. But two things are clear: 1) the percentage of low income children in the district has a downward trend line and 2) there has been no "increase" in segregation causally linked to charter schools in the city. -Dr. Petrosino

Blue dots: % low income in Hoboken School District by year
White line: trend line of % low income in Hoboken School District from 1997-present
Yellow dotted line: 1997-2013 average low income percentage

Click to enlarge