Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Decentralized thinking and understanding of evolution in K-12 evolution education (2015) Anthony J Petrosino, Margaret M Lucero and Michele J Mann

1966 9th Grade- Demarest Junior HS Hoboken, NJ
The following is a paper that was just published in Evolution: Education and Outreach. This article builds on some previous work that was conducted and adds some components of what is necessary to understand evolution. We have begun to see emerging evidence and increasing interest from the social and technological sciences in the concept of decentralized systems. In cognitive psychology and the learning sciences we have seen a gradual but steady shift from individual cognition and individual differences research to research that focuses on distributed cognition and distributed expertise (Bruer 1993; White and Pagurek 1998; Bransford et al. 2000). In technological areas such as the Internet, communication networks (White and Pagurek 1998; White et al. 1998) and robotics (Beni and Wang 1993; Beni 2005) systems are now decentralized and designed to mimic collective behavior.