Wednesday, April 11, 2012

EDC 385G: Computational Thinking in STEM and the Learning Sciences

Dear Students and Colleagues,
I am announcing an Advanced Topics course for the Fall of 2012 semester: Computational Thinking in STEM and the Learning Sciences. There will be a 10 person enrollment limit to the course. Students, please consider this course as you think about your Fall 2012 schedule and advisers (STEM, C&I, IT, Ed Psy), please consider this course as you advise appropriate students. Cheers, -Dr. Petrosino

Unique Number: 09315
Wed 7-10pm SZB 526
Instructor: Dr. Anthony Petrosino
No prerequisites
Notes: There will be a 10 person limit on enrollment for this course

Computational thinking provides people with “a way to abstract what they’re already doing and talking about…. Connecting computational thinking in a personally meaningful way is at the heart of tackling the problem of how everyone can be brought into a pathway for developing and using computational thinking in their everyday lives.” -Roy Pea

The goal of this Advanced Topics course is to gather inputs and insights from computer scientists, information technologists, and disciplinary experts knowledgeable about how computational thinking might be relevant from their domains of expertise to our understanding of STEM education and related fields. The course will also leverage the work of education researchers and cognitive scientists familiar with educational dimensions of computational thinking. Some questions this course will investigate include, What is the structure of computational thinking? How can a computational thinker be recognized? What is the relationship between technology and computational thinking? What are some pedagogies for promoting computational thinking? This will be largely a reading seminar with occasional guest lectures. There will be some online discussions as well as a final product.

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