This story published on February 14, 2010 from the Associated Press. If passed, this bill would allow parents to move their children to schools across district lines. There are provisions in the bill to compensate "receiving" districts provided they fill out the proper paper work. While I was in Hoboken last year, public school choice was proposed by the superintendent and passed by the Hoboken Board of Education for a limited number of students in limited grades.
TRENTON -- Legislation that would create a permanent statewide public school choice program will go before an Assembly panel this week.
The measure would allow parents to move their children to schools located across district lines. The new program would replace a pilot program that expired in 2005, though many participating districts continue to informally honor previously agreed-to student arrangements.
The education committee is due to consider the measure Thursday.
If approved, schools seeking to participate in the program would apply to the state education commissioner, detailing services available to their students. The applications also would include an accounting of fiscal issues schools could face by taking part in the program.
Students wishing to transfer to new schools would have to submit applications to the receiving districts, which would review them and make decisions based in part on the student's interests in their school's offerings. Schools also would be allowed to hold lotteries if the number of applications outpace the number of available seats.
Sending districts would have to provide or pay for transportation for elementary school pupils who live more than two miles from the receiving district, and for secondary school students who live more than 2½ miles from their new school. Sending districts, though, would not have to pay these costs if the student's new school is more than 20 miles from their home.
"Public school choice is an important step to ensuring each child has the ability to attend a school that is best-suited to their individual needs and talents," said Assemblywoman Mila Jasey (D-South Orange). "More importantly, public school choice programs can improve educational outcomes for students without seeing taxpayer money funneled out of New Jersey's strong public school system."
Jasey, a former member of the South Orange-Maplewood Board of Education, is sponsoring the measure with Joan Voss (D-Fort Lee), who is a retired educator.
Voss believes the proposed system would be "fair and equitable" for students and schools.
"No doubt, some students who find themselves stifled at their current school would prosper in a neighboring school district," Voss said. "But we also need to be fair and mindful of the necessity to balance the needs of students with costs ultimately borne by taxpayers."