Today Principal Charles Tortorella welcomed the 2008-2009 Wiley Reading Volunteers to Wallace School. The program is in it's sixth year of existence and has been a collaboration between John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and the students and teachers of Wallace School. Over the years, Wiley volunteers have logged in more than 2500 hours of their time (about 500 hrs a year) to read to Wallace students and have been instrumental in engaging our students with a passion for reading. The program is done in coordination with Wallace teachers to complement existing curricula objectives- each volunteer is paired with a teacher and a small group of students. The Wiley Reading Volunteer Program is one of a number of ways in which the company has been engaged with the Hoboken School District.
INTERESTING FACT: Only a handful of surviving publishers predate Wiley. The short list of venerable publishers includes Longman (1744); Aubanel (1744); Editions Lemoine (1772); Encyclopedia Britannica (1768); United Methodist Publishing House (1789), Old Farmer’s Almanac (1792); Taylor & Francis (1798), and Thomas Nelson (1802).