Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hola is a reason to move to Hoboken and to stay in Hoboken - Letter to the Editor by Valarie H. McPherson

A class using Scratch- a STEM Programming language created
at MIT for development of computational problem solving
skills for young children. Hola Dual Language School,

Continuing with the theme of dual language posts for the past week or so, here is a recent letter to the editor to the Hoboken Reporter concerning advocacy for a dual language charter school in Hoboken, NJ. Hola is an innovative school that is committed to dual language as well as STEM education. The letter summarizes a number of general issues concerning dual language programs as well as some unique issues within the City of Hoboken. Another interesting letter also appeared in the Hoboken Reporter by 2 parents of the traditional public school district. The content of that letter centered much more on funding issues than on the relative merits of a dual language charter school. Nonetheless, interested followers of this blog might find the letter of interest. -Dr. Petrosino 

Dear Editor: The following is an open letter to from Valarie H. McPherson

As a resident of Hoboken and parent of 2 children in Hola, I am publicly requesting that you show your support of Hola by submitting a letter to the Department of Education supporting both the renewal of the charter and the expansion to 8th grade. Your appearance on Univision is not enough to demonstrate your support of the school. Instead of publicity, please use your role as mayor to make a request to the DOE - this is the most effective tool in your arsenal to assist the school, the community and the children. Hola is a reason to move to Hoboken and to stay in Hoboken. In the global world in which we live, it is vital that our children are competitive. Most citizens of other countries are fluent in more than one language. Nowadays, our kids must be able to compete globally. 

I am an immigration attorney. I assist companies with the transfer and hiring of international employees. I truly understand the competitive global environment today – and it will only continue to become more global. I also see that foreign national employees are choosing not to pursue the green card – and are giving up the green card – because there are more opportunities in other countries. We cannot let the “sun set” on the USA. In order to continue to remain competitive in the global environment; our schools need to really teach languages as well as STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) courses. Otherwise, our children and the country will not be able to maintain the prominence in the world that we now enjoy. The Hoboken School Board, instead of dampening innovation and creative educational opportunities, should be looking to Hola as a model and inspiration for their own programming. Thank you for your support. – Gracias para su apoyo. 

Valarie H. McPherson

Read more: Hudson Reporter - Hola is a reason to move to Hoboken and to stay in Hoboken