Monday, December 16, 2013

How Much Do We Pay Public School Teachers?

2013 State Champions
Hoboken Red Wings
Photo: Hoboken Reporter 
Jon Boeckenstedt recently created a very interesting post. This is NCES Data from the 2013 Digest of Education Statistics (CLICK HERE), showing teacher salaries over time by state. The view defaults to Constant (inflation adjusted) dollars and 2013, but you can choose any year and nominal (not adjusted for inflation) dollars if you'd like.  The map color codes for the year selected so you can see the range, and the bar chart shows the state-by-state breakout; the weighted US average on is shown on the bar chart in blue.

Some interesting numbers: 
Highest: $75,279 (New York)
Lowest: $39,580 (South Dakota)
Average: $56,383 (50 States)
Texas: $48,110 
New Jersey: $68,797

These numbers do not take into account cost of living differences in these various states, neither do these numbers take into account years of service. Finally, these numbers do not take into account full benefits packages for teachers such as health care, pensions, etc... Nonetheless, it is a gross measure of state by state differences around the country and is a fairly useful tool when its limitations are recognized. 

See the NCES table for notes about interpreting the data.

Click Figure to Enlarge- Interactive Map CLICK HERE

Washington Post Article on this topic: CLICK HERE