Saturday, December 6, 2008

Technology Curriculum Overview Grades K-12

The following is a draft of the Technology Curriculum Overview narrative. The purpose of this document is to supply a brief but comprehensive statement of an articulated K-12 (vertical) technology education narrative for all interested stakeholders. A final version of this narrative will be due in the early part of 2009.

Technology education covers both computer literacy and knowledge of the design process. Mastery of both of these is need for students to succeed in an increasingly technological world. Computer skills are taught in the context of every class in school, and design is taught hand in hand with science and math, but can touch all disciplines.

At a very early age, students are taught to be information literate, that is to be able to access, evaluate and use information not only to develop their own ideas, but also to create new products and solutions to real life problems. The vision we have adopted for our technology curriculum is outlined below:

Grades K-3 basic computer use
Grades 4,5,6 function of technology in learning, e.g. to conduct research and to express ideas, via documents, web pages, online portfolios.
Grades 7-8 Inroduction to specific technology for disciplines: Math: graphing calculators, Science: measurement tools, scientific probes, Language Arts: word processing software supporting the writing process.
HS: merger of technology in the content areas.

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