Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Petrosino Gives Opening Keynote

On Tuesday October 14th Dr. Petrosino gave an introductory keynote address at The University of Michigan's dedication ceremonies for the Instructional Development and Educational Assessment (IDEA) Institute. The address was titled " The UTeach Natural Science Program: Challenges and Success in Modeling University Collaboration in STEM Teacher Preperation" centering on his work with the nationally recognized UTeach Natural Sciences Teacher Preparation program. Launched through the generosity of benefactors Rob Horwitz and Cathy Redlich, the IDEA Institute is a collaborative effort between the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and the School of Education. The work of the IDEA Institute is built on the concepts of forming interdisciplinary and intergenerational "teaching groups" in order to take on the large and complex problems in education, comparable to the way in which "research groups" have enabled people to take on the important problems in their various fields. Dr. Petrosino was joined by colleagues Valerie Otero (University of Colorado), Nora Sabelli (SRI International) and Hilda Borko (Standford University).

Petrosino also met with faculty, graduate students and staff at the University of Michigan and spoke about the efforts and advances in Hoboken concerning the comprehensive curriculum effort currently underway. His interactions will be incorporated into efforts with the Hoboken Curriculum Committee.

This trip (airfare, lodging, ground transportation and food) came at no cost to the Hoboken School District.
